Intense Video Shows ‘Murder Hornet’ With Killer Sting, Taking Down Mouse 4x Its Size

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Murder hornets have arrived in the United States and the 2-inch long beast of a hornet is not one you want to mess around with.

The giant Asian insect, with a sting that could be fatal to some people and animals – was recently found in America. They can grow over 2 inches long and they look as though they are straight out of a horror movie.

The hornets have the ability to sting multiple times without consequence to their own beings, but surely projecting consequences upon their victim. Just one sting can cause extreme pain in a human, cause enormous swelling and even death if one is allergic. If you are not allergic and get stung 10 or more times, it could be fatal.

The species has been dubbed the murder hornet and normally attacks bees. Just 30 or so murder hornets can kill thousands of bees in a swift and powerful manner.

One Twitter user recently shared a video showing just one murder hornet attacking a mouse, a mouse that is four times the size of the hornet. After multiple stings, the mouse sadly lost the fight.

Warning: The video is graphic. 

The hornet was sighted for the first time in the US last December, when the state department of agriculture verified two reports near Blaine, Washington, close to the Canadian border.

The hornets have a stinger that is long and powerful, and able to penetrate a bee keepers protective suit. New suits must be formatted for those who are going to combat the hornets.

Their stings are big and painful, with a potent neurotoxin. Their life cycle begins in April, when queens emerge from hibernation, feed on plant sap and fruit, and look for underground dens to build their nests.

We recently shared an article which featured a video of Youtuber Coyote Peterson getting stung by a murder hornet on purpose. You can check that out here. Just one sting and Peterson was in incredible pain within seconds.