13 Awesome Riddles To Give Your Brain A Workout!

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7. Doctor, doctor! Gimme the riddle!

Here comes the answer…




….. Ready for the answer?






Women are doctors, too.

Those are all his sisters.

8. Let’s solve a murder.

The answer is a coming…







Remember what those numbers were written on?





June, April, September, October, November

Jason is the killer.

9. Age ain’t nothing but a riddle.

What could the answer be?…




….. Ready for the answer?






There are 3 possible answers.

51 & 15, 42 & 24, and 60 & 06.

They all add up to 66, and none of them feel terribly icky.

10. Run, riddle! Run!

You passed the second place runner…good for you! 




….. You win? 


……. Just kidding…no you don’t. 




Answer : You’re now in 2nd place.

11. Does the riddle hold water?

Know the answer?…




….. Ready for the answer?






Answer – A Sponge!

12.  A Classic

And the answer is…




….. Ready for the answer?






The answer is Roads!

13. A zombie riddle?

This is a tricky one…




….. Ready for the answer?






She’s a photographer.

Back in the days before digital, photos had to be developed from a negative in a darkroom.

Rinsing and drying are the last things you do to a photograph after you’ve put the print through a fixing solution.