Woman Sues Company After She Won Toyota That Turned Out To Be A ‘Toy Yoda’

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26-year-old Jodee Berry worked at the popular restaurant, Hooters. In order to increase sales, the restaurant decided to put on a friendly competition between wait staff members. The waitress that sold the most beer in one month’s time, would win a brand new Toyota. Jodee won the competition, out-selling her coworkers.

To claim her prize, Jodee was blindfolded and let to the restaurant’s parking lot. When the blindfold was removed, Jodee was not pleased to find that the prize was, in fact, not a Toyota automobile but rather a toy Yoda, a Star Wars doll.

Jodee was so upset that she quit her job and has decided to sue her former employer for fraudulent misrepresentation. She won and the suit was settled for an undisclosed amount of money, however, one of the lawyers in the case said the amount could easily have her head to the car dealership to “pick out whatever type of Toyota she wants.”