32 Obvious Signs Your Ex Still Has Feelings For You

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Your Ex Showers You With Compliments


If your ex keeps telling you how lovely you look in your dress, how your hair looks amazing, how pretty your smile is, how smart and funny you are—if he seems to be falling all over himself to give you compliments, it’s a sign that he’s still in love with you. If he compliments you on everything you do and takes notice of even the small changes in you, it’s his way of showing you that he’s really looking at you, and he wants you back. Hopefully, your ex complimented you plenty when you were still together. If he’s finding ways to flatter you as much or even more than before when you two first started dating, then he’s trying to get back in your good graces. He may even find something more attractive about you now since you parted ways, like your self-confidence or your new-found passion for photography, and he’s going to keep complimenting you because he wants you back badly.
Overflattering can become creepy and uncomfortable though. Also, assess if your ex’s compliments are sincere because if he’s just spewing compliments to easily worm his way back into your heart without earning it, don’t fall for it.