5 Types Of Pests That Love Living In Your Basement

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Having a basement provides extra storage and living space that increases the value of your property. However, this area of your home can also become a magnet for pests, making it less appealing to use. Certain pests, including insects and other arthropods, love the dark and damp atmosphere that basements often provide, making this spot a prime location for these bothersome critters to take up residence.


Earwigs aren’t particularly harmful to humans, but their presence can be quite unnerving. These creepy-crawlies have threatening-looking pincers and can reproduce rapidly, creating an infestation. They eat oily, greasy, and sweet foods, as well as indoor plants. Earwigs also excrete a yellow-brown liquid from their scent glands when threatened, which has a very unpleasant odor.


Most people shudder when they think about sharing their living space with cockroaches, but a basement is a prime hiding spot for these disease-spreading basement bugs. Cockroaches like dark places where they have steady access to food and are not disturbed. With more than 4,000 different species of roaches spread across the globe, these pests are found just about everywhere. They can also carry and spread diseases like salmonella and E.coli, so eliminating them is a must.


Centipedes are multi-legged invertebrates that are quite aggressive. They’re considered basement bugs because they’re commonly found in dark, underground areas of a living space. As carnivores, centipedes hunt their meals and inject a paralyzing venom into their prey to render smaller creatures helpless while being consumed. Although the venom isn’t fatal to humans, the bite of a centipede is painful and their venom can cause allergic reactions, including nausea, swollen lymph nodes, chills, extreme swelling around the bite, itching, and heart palpitations.


Silverfish also love the damp, dark atmosphere that your basement can provide. These insects don’t pose a threat to humans, but they can cause a lot of damage within your living space. These basement bugs eat a wide range of materials, including wallpaper, paper, starches, shampoo, silk, and linens, as well as sugar. Silverfish can pop up in just about any room of the basement, and they can destroy your upholstery, wall coverings, linens, and clothing if left to their own devices.


Termites feed on wood, which makes them especially concerning in homes with wood framing. Their presence can impact the structural integrity of your house, and the damage they cause can cost thousands of dollars to repair. Since termites tend to stay out of sight, look for signs like dust and debris on the floors of the home, small holes in the walls, or mud tunnels around the exterior of the structure.

By watching for signs of these pests commonly found in basements, you can take action sooner and protect your living space from bothersome bugs. You can also take steps to make your basement less appealing, such as adding more light, using a dehumidifier to eliminate excess moisture, and setting traps for pests. Since some of these basement-dwellers can be harmful to your health, it’s especially important to get rid of them as quickly as possible.