11 Symptoms of Respiratory Syncytial Virus

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9. Mild RSV symptoms: Low-grade Fever

Source: https://images.ctfassets.net/

Babies who are three months and above with low-grade fevers can be treated at home, if no other symptoms present themselves. However, infants younger than three months should be seen by a doctor immediately for any fever — no matter how low-grade. While fevers themselves are relatively harmless, their underlying causes in very young children are more likely to require medical treatment. It is not advisable to administer any sort of medication without first clearing the dosage and the nature of the drug with your doctor, however most doctors have been known to prescribe acetaminophen for children over 3 months. If your little one isn’t fussing too much from their fever, you may not need to give them any medication at all, and instead just help lower their temperature by dressing them in lightweight clothing, keeping their rooms cool, sponging them down with lukewarm water so their systems aren’t shocked by cold water, and keeping them hydrated with breastmilk or formula.