Types of Substance Abuse and Sources of Help

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If an individual consistently and excessively uses a substance such as hard drugs, alcohol or marijuana, he or she might be addicted and need to get treatment or get into rehab for drug addiction. Immoderate use of these substances can take a negative toll on the person’s emotional and physical well-being, as well as cause an incoherence in thinking. If proper measures are not taken to address the addiction, the individual may even lose his or her life.

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In 2014, the National Institute of Drug Abuse stated that over 200,000 people globally experience death because of drug abuse alone. Substance abuse continues to be a problem in many countries, even though governments have been trying to solve and control it.

It is essential to curb the problem of drug abuse before it becomes a serious addiction. If a loved one is struggling with substance abuse problems, read on to find out how you can help them turn their life around.


How to identify if someone is abusing drugs

Drug abuse can have an adverse psychological impact on a person’s state of mind, hence severe changes in mood and behavior can be a starting indication. This can manifest in many different ways, such as not caring about things that mean a lot to them or more obvious outbursts of anger and violence towards their loved ones. Some symptoms in which the individual may possibly exhibit are things such as distancing themselves from their loved ones and lashing out at them, or constantly lying about things. In addition, this can also manifest in ways that are uncharacteristic of them, such as not doing the things that they usually do, or even a sudden extreme concern with cleanliness by repeatedly cleaning their room; showering a lot and skipping school or work.

If they exhibit any of these telltale signs, perhaps the loved ones of the individual need to step in and raise their worries; target the problem before it is too late or too difficult to properly solve the issue.


Reasons for drug abuse

Based on statistics, males are more likely to be susceptible to drug abuse than females, and many abusers fall in the age range of 18-25. Though we shouldn’t be complacent as anyone can easily fall into substance abuse and addiction, there are many factors such as psychology, genetics or even the environment that can be contributing factors to drug abuse. The environment a child grows up in actually plays a big role in the future. Statistics show that children who have drug-abusing parents are more likely to become abusers themselves. In addition, other environmental factors in a person’s childhood such as abusive parents or a strong presence of drugs at home can also increase the exposure and likelihood of them growing up to be drug abusers.

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What are the different types of drug abuse?

The first type of drug abuse is marijuana, which people take to experience a “trip” where they feel moments of extreme euphoria that can last for a few hours. It may not be physically addictive, but it can be psychologically so if the individual relies on the drug for mood boosts.  Even though this is known as a “soft drug” with “not-as-harmful” effects on the individual, excessive use of this drug can have adverse impacts on the body, such as memory loss or a drop in mood and motivation.

Secondly, there is LSD, also known as Lysergic Acid Diethylamide. This is a drug that is not physically addictive, however, the adverse impacts that it has on the body can be quite significant. It can cause panic attacks, and can even result in neurological damage and violent psychosis. Some other effects of the drugs are a hallucination and not being able to make sense of reality, as well as nausea and wakefulness. LSD is also known for making the individual see objects “ripple”, and this can last for up to fourteen hours.

Thirdly, Cocaine and crack. Cocaine is a popular party drug, and crack is the variation of coke that is processed even further and is consumed through smoking. This drug is largely associated with extreme euphoria and losing the sense of the real world. It can be consumed through snorting, vein injection or smoking, and can last for up to two hours. It is classified as a hard drug and can be extremely lethal.

Lastly, alcohol. Alcohol is consumed by a large percentage of people, however, only when it is consumed in excessive amounts does it have a significant adverse impact on the individual. Most people drink because of the relaxing effect that it has on our bodies. However, excessive consumption can lead to alcoholism and even alcohol poisoning. In addition, people who regularly consume alcohol in large quantities are more likely to exhibit violent tendencies; and thus, proper moderation must be practiced in drinking alcohol.


How to get help?

In order to receive proper medical and psychological treatment for drug abuse, the individual needs to recognize that he or she has this issue and realize that they need help. Dedication in solving the issue is also required because it is likely to be a long-term process and the withdrawal process will not be easy. The moral support of family and friends can be a big help in aiding recovery as well.

Many medical treatments for substance abuse require the individual to seek professional help at las vegas rehabilitation facilities like Desert Hope Treatment for example, in which treatments can be tailored to the individual’s condition. Consultations with specialists can also help in deciding whether the individual requires outpatient, residential or hospital treatment.

It is imperative to note that relapse is extremely likely to happen, especially if substance abuse was a very big part of the individual’s life. Hence, it is essential that doctors and loved ones work hand in hand to help the individual overcome this physical and psychological barrier.

Lastly, emotional therapy can also be extremely beneficial to individuals’ recovery. For instance, if they are facing withdrawal symptoms, this form of therapy can identify symptoms when they arise and aid in coping with the temptation. This form of therapy can also aid in repairing relationships and the overall mental state of health.

In conclusion, discovering addiction early will go a long way in combating it for good. It will undeniably be a challenge during the initial stages of treatment but it will ultimately be worth it when individuals successful overcome their problem and emerge stronger. If you suspect that a loved one might have a substance abuse problem, it may be time to sit them down and express your concerns. Take some tips from this article and kickstart the recovery journey for your loved one today; it’s always better to curb it now rather than late