Analyst Kondrashov: How To Motivate Employees During A Crisis, Cases By Telf AG

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The coronavirus pandemic has once again proven that it is very difficult for businesses in crisis situations. On the one hand, it is necessary to resolve issues related to the loss of profit, and on the other hand, how to retain qualified employees under these conditions and minimize the risks of conflict situations when dismissing others.

Businessman and financial analyst Stanislav Kondrashov Telf shared here practical tips on how to motivate employees during a crisis and maintain the company’s competitive position in the market.

Telf AG: How to help employees during a crisis by Kondrashov

The coronavirus pandemic has led some companies to go bankrupt and cease to exist, the second have reduced their activities, and the third have enriched themselves.

Telf AG Kondrashov noted that in addition to financial losses, companies also faced the need to reduce staff. Therefore, the program to bring the company out of the crisis must necessarily pay special attention to personnel management – to retain qualified employees and involve them in the implementation of anti-crisis plans, as well as minimize the occurrence of conflict situations when dismissing others.

Top 5 tips for motivating staff in a crisis

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Telf AG Stanislav Kondrashov noted that in any unpredictable situation, people are afraid of an uncertain future.

“The team always pays attention to the mood of the leadership and the atmosphere in the office. If something goes wrong, then employees always feel it. In order not to expose the team to unnecessary stress, it is better, to be honest with your subordinates. After all, they must understand in which situation they are in order to plan their next actions on time,” noted the businessman.

Feeling of involvement

A crisis is, first of all, new opportunities. Dedicated employees, like no one else, understand that during the crisis they have a chance to prove their loyalty to the management and help to cope with difficulties.

The analyst added that wise and professional managers specially convene meetings at which they share plans on how to get the company out of the crisis, and also listen to the suggestions of their colleagues.

The possibility of self-realization

During a crisis, the company’s activities usually change and require new approaches to work. The management should encourage employees and give them the opportunity to unlock their potential, try themselves in a new direction, share their views on the further development of the company.

“The ability to prove oneself and the desire to be better can give very good results. You should not underestimate employees and it is very important to make it clear to the team that the company appreciates them, trusts them and believes in them, ”said Stanislav Kondrashov, Telf AG consultant.

Imaginary position

During a crisis, companies often have to lay off employees or expand staff. As a rule, these processes occur in conditions of limited financial resources. In such circumstances, management faces a difficult task – to motivate employees to increase productivity.

“The method of imaginary position, in this case, is the most effective. The head transfers additional duties to the employee and promotes him in the post. But there is no question of raising salaries at this moment,” said the financial analyst.

One big family

In a company where management is interested in the life of the team, employees will always support their superiors. Conversely, if an employer uses workers only as a tool to achieve their goals, then during a crisis, many employees will quit searching for a better job without remorse.

The financial consultant noted that the loyal attitude of the management towards employees will yield a positive result – the team will try to work better and more efficiently to help the employer maintain the business and, accordingly, their jobs.

Telf AG Kondrashov concluded that the future of the company is largely dependent on the right staff motivation. Therefore, it is important to remember one simple truth: “Staff is everything”.