7 Smart Tips for Science Writing

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Any new form of writing can be intimidating – no matter what it is. Each genre seems to have its own rules and regulations. So, it’s best to take each form one step at a time. Here, we are going to break down some of the best inside secrets for science compositions in particular.

1. Don’t Shy Away from Help If You Need It

As it pertains to any new style, the best thing to do is to get a little advice before getting started. Aside from the tips here, don’t be afraid to ask for a little help! There is plenty of on-campus as well as off-campus aid prepared to help students out. Online essay writing services, in particular, can be a lifesaver. These can help the essay writeredit or even craft papers to avoid mistakes. When trying to impress an audience or earn a good grade, avoiding minor mistakes can go a long way. With services like these, students can rely on direct aid or on a third-party opinion..


2. Be Sure Sources Are Reliable

When composing any academic-style piece, getting data from the reliable authorities is crucial. When it comes to science, this is additionally critical. There are many sources that claim scientific facts that don’t quite add up to the truth. Keep an eye out for sensationalist sources that are twisting results to make headlines.

You’ll also want to be on the lookout for any signs of bias. For instance, if a study is done by or funded by a company that would benefit from the results, it’s best to err on the side of caution. The general rule of thumb is to stick to peer-reviewed studies as much as possible.


3. Be Careful About Language

It’s important to recognize when certain languageis appropriate. As an example, if you are sharing findings with a chemistry professor, it’s fine to use chemistry jargon. After all, they know those terms and are likely expecting them.

On the other hand, if you are composing for a general audience, it’s best to speak in laymen’s terms. This will make you more comprehensible for those who aren’t formally educated in the field. It’s all about knowing who the audience is before getting started.


4. Explain the “Why”

Compiling research can lead to some interesting facts and theories. This is what you’ll be communicating to readers. However, you can’t just focus an essay on something because the topic is “cool.” The people reading the composition are there for a reason – especially when it comes to science.

Writers will want to make clear right away why the results or theories matter. This will provide the reader with a reason to care about what you’re telling them. At the end of the piece, you’ll revisit this by ending with a call-to-action. This tells them what to do with the knowledge you’ve bestowed upon them.


5. Don’t Be Too Wordy

We’ve already discussed the use of jargon, but you’ll also want to be careful of being too wordy in general. Most audiences aren’t looking for something that’s difficult or a chore to read. To put it simply, don’t use ten words to say what you could in five.

On the topic of wordiness, try to avoid passive voice as well. This is a style in which the object of the sentence gets the verb rather than the subject. For instance, “the last slice of pizza was eaten” is passive. A better form would be “someone ate the last slice of pizza.”


6. Take Credit for Your Own Research

In essays, it’s common to use sentence starters such as “According to X,” or something similar. As it concerns science, though, there’s a good chance that some evidence you showcase may include your own findings. In these cases, take credit!


7. Be Sure to Tie Everything Together

When you’ve presented all your evidence, don’t stop. This will give the reader all the information, yes, but it doesn’t convey to them what it means. Regardless of what style you’re working with, a solid, conclusive wrap-upis essential.



You’ll write many papers throughout your lifetime and each genre has its own nuances. When it comes to science writing, though, using these tips will serve you well in earning high marks!