What To Consider Before You Teach English As A Foreign Language

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Teaching English as a foreign language is certainly a worthy endeavor, but it isn’t for everybody. If you are thinking about doing this as a career, then it’s important to make sure that it’s the right fit for both your academic, professional and personal needs. It takes a certain kind of teacher to really flourish in this role. There are several hard truths and important questions that you will need to face before choosing teaching English as a second language in order to determine whether or not it is the right choice for you.

Speaking English Isn’t the Same as Teaching It:

Source: https://qo1woxfbaw84ufi8-zippykid.netdna-ssl.com/

One of the most common myths about teaching English as a foreign language is the idea that being a native English speaker means that you are automatically qualified for teaching it. However, the English language is actually one of the most difficult to learn in the world, filled with complex grammar rules, odd spellings and strange pronunciations. Simply knowing how to speak the language does not mean that teaching it to people who speak a different language will be just as simple for you. Becoming a good ESL teacher will require professional training; one good way to brush up your skills and ensure that you’re equipped to teach is by taking an ESL degree online.

Consider Your Knowledge of Technology:

Source: https://34co0u35pfyt37c0y0457xcu-wpengine.netdna-ssl.com/

Modern technological advances mean that the world of education has been completely revolutionized. From online university degrees to interactive video classes, it’s important that today’s teachers are familiar and comfortable with the vast number of technological resources that are available to them. Utilizing the technology options available is key to fully engaging your students, in addition to attracting their interest in the classroom.

You Don’t Need to Speak Another Language:

Source: https://marktindle.files.wordpress.com/

Another common misconception about teaching English as a second language is that teachers will need to be bilingual. However, speaking another language alongside English is not always a requirement for the job. In fact, statistics show that there is a huge lack of bilingual English teachers compared to the number of students. This may seem worrying, but monolingual English teachers can actually be more useful in the classroom. They give students only one option to speak English, which forces them out of their comfort zones, allowing them to experience a more immersive education, and encouraging the development of their language skills.

You’ll Need to Be a Patient Person:

Source: https://www.ewa.org/

Finally, patience is key when teaching English as a second language, just as much as, if not more so compared to teaching another subject. Teaching and learning a new language can be a stressful and frustrating experience for both the teacher and the student, so it’s important that you are able to be patient with your students and be ready for days where they will make mistakes and it might seem like you’re not making any progress with them. Your patience will pay off!

Teaching English as a second language is a noble and rewarding profession, but it’s important that you are certain it’s the right choice for you.