How To Choose A Family Doctor

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Choosing a family doctor can be complicated. You have to consider every member of your family, from your elderly parents to your toddlers. As a result, it’s not a decision you should make lightly. While on your search for a qualified and adequate doctor, here are some tips that can help.

Ask for referrals.

These days, you can find reviews on almost anything on the Internet, including a doctor. If you need a new doctor, you should check online forums for clues. Of course, you shouldn’t base your entire decision on online reviews. But then, reviews can tell you important things like how friendly the hospital staff is, or if there’s a particular doctor that kids prefer.

Also, you can ask for referrals from friends and family members. If you have someone who has a family similar to yours, even better. They can give you a first-hand account of what it’s like to be attended to by the doctor. You should still keep in mind that a doctor that was perfect for your friend may not necessarily be perfect for you.

Check your vicinity.

Your doctor must be close to you. Since you’ll be visiting them for everyday needs, you don’t want to make a long trip every time your two-year-old has a cold. If your doctor is very close to you, you’ll also be more motivated to meet your appointments. People make lots of excuses why they can’t go to the doctor, and you don’t want distance to be one of yours.

If you have health insurance, you may want to begin your search with hospitals under the scheme. Also, if you’re enrolled in a Medicare Advantage Plan, you’ll want to see whether or not it offers some transportation benefits. If it does, distance becomes less of a barrier for you.


Investigate the quality of health care.

Since you’re going to be trusting your new doctor with your family’s health, you want to make sure they are up to the task. They need to have a quality track record. You can begin by checking with your insurance company to see if they have any records of the doctor. You can also use several online tools to look your doctor up.

For example, Physician Compare, a tool that’s available on, lets you look up a doctor and see if they have participated in activities that prove the expertise or quality of care. Also, you should definitely check to see if your doctor is board-certified on the American Board of Medical Specialties.

Consider your special needs.

When picking a doctor, you need to consider the needs of your family. You also need to think about any member of your family that might require special care. If anyone does, you need a doctor that can provide the care. If they can’t, they can at least refer you to a specialist. 

The bottom line

Choosing a family doctor isn’t an easy decision. You’re looking for someone to entrust with your health. That’s why you should take your time before settling on a final choice. After considering all these tips, you should remember to trust your gut. 

If you meet a doctor and you love the way they relate with your family, you may have found your doctor. If they are as qualified as the doctors at Bayless, you can be sure that your family is in good hands.