Most Interesting Facts About Air Force One

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Classified Safety Technology


It cannot be denied that the symbol of America’s political and military power is equipped with state-of-the-art technology and features that cannot be seen by the untrained eye. As the adage goes, “We don’t fear the dark, we fear the unknown” is a proverbial saying that explains the intricacies of the human psyche so profoundly. Likewise, there are some features and technologies used in the Air Force One that cannot be noticed by an untrained eye. There is so much to the aircraft that meet the eye which a common person will never know anything about. Therefore, it will extremely difficult for even military agents to identify these features and that is what makes Air Force One a force to reckon with. It is by far the most intimidating if not feared non-military aircraft. After all, it is the command center of the President of the United States of America.