Most Interesting Facts About Air Force One

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9/11 Bunker in the Skies


On the terrorist attacks of September 11 of 2001, the Airforce One has proven that it is capable of performing functions as a mobile bunker when all ground positions felt insecure because of the attacks. It can travel at a top speed of 1,126 km/hour and fly at a maximum height of 45,100 feet (commercial flights fly about 30,000 feet). The Airforce One is custom designed by Boeing in collaboration with The White House and the Secret Services. It can carry about 203,000 liters of fuel and weighs 377,000 kilograms when it is fully loaded for a long-range flight and is capable of flying half way around the world. Obviously, a tumultuous day for the entire country, a lot was asked of Air Force One which can conveniently double as a mobile bunker. During emergencies, is also capable of providing living quarters for people traveling with the President which includes the senior advisors, Secret Service officers, traveling press, and other guests.