29 Things You Should Never Do On First Dates

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Don’t Forget To Check Your Teeth After A Meal

Source: https://videohive.com

If your first date involves a meal or any time of eating, make sure that you excuse yourself afterwards to check your teeth. Even if you didn’t eat anything green and leafy, it doesn’t mean that other types of food can’t get stuck in between your pearly whites. One of the most horrible things ever is feeling like your date went extremely well, then you get home only to realize that you have something stuck right in the middle of your two front teeth, or anywhere else really. Better yet, bring some dental floss and possibly even a travel toothbrush and toothpaste set and brush your teeth after your meal if you can. It might sound maniacal, but at least you can spend the rest of the night knowing that your teeth are in perfect, smiling condition.