Guys Dive Into ‘Queen’s Bath’, One Of The Oceans Deadliest Current Filled Pools

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Hawaii is one of the most beautiful places on earth, but it can also be deadly. 

There is a place called ‘Queen’s Bath’ in Kauai, Hawaii, right on the ocean that is both beautiful…and deadly. While the tide is out, a pocket of blue/green water fills a tiny cove where stunning rocks, marine life and lava bench. When the tide rolls in…the pool fills with powerful currents and crashing waves. 

Over the years, many deaths have occurred as people have attempted swimming in the pool while the current roared, or they were tossed in the pool by crashing waves. The current can easily tire someone to the point where drowning is a very real possibility. 

In the video below, a couple guys don’t seem to worry about the deadly currents as they dive straight into it. Doing back flips and even taking on the crashing waves by diving straight into them. 


Click NEXT To Three Kids Who Got Caught In The Current At Queen’s Bath and barley escaped with their lives.