19 Romantic Relationship Issues And What Must Be Done To Fix Them

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Communication Issues


This may just be the mother of all issues in a romantic relationship. Poor communication is the leading cause of divorce. It isn’t as easy as just talking to each other, although that is definitely important. One major issue though, is the inability to convey negative emotions. Jealousy, anger, frustration, and insecurity are problem areas in communication. When one partner is not honest about their feelings, even to themselves, it is a major problem. You must know yourself and your partner well. Be honest with each other, and open-minded. Resolving communication issues is not easy, but it is important to keep the harmony and love going. It may sound silly, but go out on more dates, even if you have been married a long time. Time spent alone with each other is a miracle cure. Good communication makes great relationships, keep that in mind.