Understanding Warts In Children: Causes, Treatments, And Care

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Warts are a common skin condition affecting people of all ages, including children. Although they are usually harmless, they can be a source of discomfort and concern for parents. Understanding what causes warts, how to treat them, and the best ways to care for your child during this time can help ease worries and promote a speedy recovery.

What are Warts?

Warts are small, non-cancerous skin growths caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV). There are different types of warts, such as common warts, plantar warts (occurring on the feet), and flat warts (typically appearing on the face). They are highly contagious and can spread through direct contact with the virus.

Causes of Warts in Children

Children are more susceptible to warts due to their close contact with other children and an immune system that is still developing. The HPV virus can enter the body through small cuts or breaks in the skin, leading to the development of warts. Kids who frequently bite their nails or have dry, cracked skin are at a higher risk of contracting warts. Public places like swimming pools and communal showers can also be hotspots for the virus, making children who visit these places more vulnerable to infection. 

Treatment Options for Warts in Children

  • Home remedies

A popular home remedy for warts is the duct tape application. You only need to cover the wart with tape and leave it for several days. Then, soak the affected part with water while removing the wart with a rough surface like an Emery board. It’s important to note that this treatment may not have sufficient evidence to support its efficacy. Also, the entire process requires much effort since you must repeat the steps until you completely remove the wart. Therefore it is always a good idea to consult with a health professional for effective wart treatment recommendations, such as over-the-counter treatments or cryotherapy.

  • Over-the-counter or OTC Wart Treatments

OTC wart treatments containing salicylic acid are commonly used and can be effective. But, it is essential to follow the instructions carefully and see if they suit your kids.

  • Cryotherapy or Freezing

Cryotherapy is a treatment that involves freezing the wart with liquid nitrogen, causing it to fall off after a few days. This method may require multiple sessions for complete removal. You can also try Wart Off. They have a cryotherapy spray treatment for warts recommended for kids and adults. You can use this product if the warts appear on the hands or the feet.

Caring For Children with Warts

While warts can be frustrating, there are several ways to care for your child during this period:

  • Encourage Good Hygiene

Teach your child the importance of handwashing and maintaining cleanliness in their body. Proper hygiene can help prevent the spread of warts to other parts of the body or other people.

  • Avoid Picking or Scratching

Warts can be itchy, but picking or scratching them can lead to further spreading. Keep your child’s nails short to minimize the risk of accidental scratching.

  • Keep Warts Covered

If your child has a wart on their foot, encourage them to wear socks and footwear that provide proper support and cushioning to alleviate discomfort.

  • Talk to Your Child

Telling your child about warts will reassure them that it’s a common condition that will likely go away with time. Address any concerns they may have about appearance or pain.

Fight Off Child’s Warts

Warts among children will continue to appear as they grow up. If that happens, you can follow each treatment option here and see which works best for your child. While they may require some time and patience to remove, providing proper care and support can make the process more manageable for you and your young ones.