Why Video Advertising Is Deemed As The “Next Big Thing’ In The Digital Marketing World

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Video advertising has grabbed some big attention from all the online marketers in recent years. While being inexpensive, it further brings an engaging and interactive marketing experience for your targeted audience during the whole process.

Explaining video advertising with an example

Bethany logs on to her favourite social media platform to post about her experience during a recent trip to London. As she logs on to her account, she gets greeted with a small clip of a food commercial from a local restaurant. Bethany finds it tempting and convincing enough to make her order some food from the same restaurant.

Hence, it can be said that video advertising is nothing but a simple way of advertising products and services in a video format. Irrespective of the shape and size of your business, you can use video advertising to market your products and services in an effective manner. Still confused about “whether or not to use video advertising for your business”? , take a look at the following key points in the same context.

1. Video content attracts more online traffic

In a recent survey conducted by a renowned marketing firm, one-third of the total global customer base was found to be purchasing a product after watching a video commercial. The same statistics can further be backed by the fact that more than 4 billion videos are watched on YouTube on a daily basis. Hence, being a businessman, you got every reason to invest in some effective video advertising for your products and services.

2. Big market players are getting benefitted with video advertising

Online market giants like Amazon and eBay have also confirmed the growing significance of adding a video commercial to your product or service. It was been stated that the addition of a video ad to the product description can boost the chances of a customer buying that product by up to 30%. Now, this is something that can help you to enhance the sales and business growth of your business organization to many folds.

3. Video ads go well with mobile users

As of now, over 3.5 billion people around the world own a Smartphone and that further makes it around 45% of the total world population. It has also been stated that more than 80% of the short videos (duration of 30 seconds) are watched right to the end by mobile users. Thus, it can be said that video advertising is the key if you are planning to make your products and services visible to a large audience.

Now, once you have decided upon making video advertising a key part of your digital marketing campaign, you have to get in touch with an efficient digital marketing firm like Broadplace. This really holds some big significance in your overall efforts to boost the growth and sales of your respective business organization.


Video advertising is an effective way to enhance your visibility amongst your target audience. Still, it’s all about getting associated with an efficient digital marketing firm that can help you to get the best out of your video advertising strategy.