5 Foolproof Ways To Prepare For A Power Outage

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One can greatly lessen the impact of a power outage by preparing in advance. Read on to learn the foolproof ways to prepare for a power outage.

When electricity fails for a week at home, are you ready to survive it? As we become more dependent on electronic tools and gadgets, survival without electricity seems to be more difficult. It may be especially difficult to millennials and the following generations.

Some of the top 10 things millennials can’t live without include the internet and cell phones. As you can see, these things alone need power. In case the power doesn’t come back soon enough, you’ll need to know how to survive a few days with no electricity.

Preparing for these possibilities is the first step. Below is a quick guide on how to prepare for a power outage.

1. Maintain an Emergency Food Supply

In cases of power outages, people tend to clear out store shelves fast. It’s always a good idea to have some nonperishables stocked as an emergency food supply. When you put aside food in the pantry for this purpose, make sure you keep those that can stay good for a long time.

You don’t have to buy a pantry’s worth of food at once. Whenever you go shopping at the grocery, try to get a few days worth every now and then. Discounts and coupons can also help with the cost of getting the extra cans.

2. Keep Clean Water Stored

Source: http://princetoninnovation.org/

Have a place in your house where you can store a week’s worth of clean water. Every family member should have at least a gallon of water. Everyone’s water intake level varies but it’ll be smart to save enough for the average person.

If you can store more for sanitation purposes, that’s well and good. Plastic gallons make good water storage containers. Make sure to store them in dry and cool places.

3. Have Emergency Light Devices and a Radio on Hand

Prepare a bag of power outage supplies like flashlights and a battery-powered radio. Candles are not recommended too well because of the risks they pose. If candles are what you have as light sources, be very careful with handling them.

You can prepare for power outage incidents by getting a power generator. If you don’t have one, check out your local hardware store for generators. You never know when there’s a small Diesel Generator for sale.

4. Prepare For a Power Outage with Emergency Sanitation Kits

Source: http://fivegallonideas.com/

Sanitation and cleaning won’t be your first problem when the power fails but it will be one soon enough. Yet, survival without electricity doesn’t mean you can’t clean yourself. Here’s a list of cleaning supplies to stock up on:

  • Baby wipes
  • Hand sanitizer
  • Dry shampoo
  • Disinfectant cleaner
  • Paper towels
  • Feminine hygiene products

As with groceries, take advantage of sales or discounts to save.

A septic system can be risky during rains and floods. If you can, get a portable toilet too for cases like this.

5. Be Smart: Use Ice for Refrigeration

When your refrigerator and freezer fail, you can keep the food cold only for so long. The freezer can hold only so much food, too. This is where a cooler and some solid ice shine best.

Keep your food cool with at least two gallons of frozen water. A cooler makes the preservation process better since it’s meant to keep the cold in.

Remember to throw out any food exposed to 40-degree temperatures for 2 hours or more.

Prepare for a Power Outage!

Source: https://cdn.newsapi.com.au/

Following these steps can help you learn how you can prepare for a power outage. We hope this information helps you get ready for power failures.

But don’t stop here! For more helpful guides like this, don’t hesitate to check out our other posts.