Couple Were Forced To Give Up Their Baby. 50 Years Later They Discovered What Happened To Her

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Found Her


Finally, Dennis found Karen, her name appeared on the web page. She was living in Monroe, Washington, and worked in home design, just as she had dreamed of as a little girl. Dennis was so excited, he shouted, “That’s my lady!” The first part was over, he found her. But communicating with her brought about some anxiety, what if she won’t respond? The trauma of her not answering his letters was still on his mind, though he explained that she never left his mind. He went this far, and was not going to stop. He called her up, but had to go through the receptionist. “Tell her an old friend of fifty years ago called. My name is Denny,” he told the receptionist. The receptionist thought it was a prank, but luckily texted Karen about the call. Well, good thing for everyone concerned, Karen immediately returned the call.