Alcohol Addiction Around The World: Where Suffers Most?

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North Jersey Recovery Center

Alcohol addiction is rising right around the world and in the economic state of many countries that’s only going to rise as people try to cope with the severities of day-to-day life at present.

Following the pandemic, there’s been a major economic crisis in many parts of the world, both of which have contributed to more people being reliant upon the substance.

Record numbers in alcohol rehabs are common at present, but where in the world is suffering the most?

Analysing the numbers, we looked at where alcohol addiction is most common around the world…


With so much going on on their doorstep, and the fact they’re embroiled in the current conflict is leading to a life of uncertainty in Belarus at present, a nation that has always struggled with alcoholism.

Vodka is very prevalent in the country and it has the highest death rate due to alcohol problems than anywhere else in the world. That figure is 19.82 alcohol related deaths for every 100,000 deaths, significantly higher than the nation with the second highest.


That country is Mongolia. You can go back to medieval times to find accounts of Mongolian Empires binging on boozeand it’s something that has never really gone away.

Many reports have said that alcohol is hampering Mongolia’s future as a nation and it’s true. Even as far back as 2009 there was a shop selling alcohol for every 270 people, and today it’s more accessible than ever.

There are 18.07 alcohol related deaths in Mongolia for every 100,000 and it’s a problem that just isn’t going away.


It’s similar in Russia, with alcohol abuse rising further as a result of the war and regime. There have even been reports of late that the Russian government are hiking the price of vodka up and banning alcohol in towns as they look to call up people to the armed forces.

The nation’s problem with alcohol has been long-running though and approximately 15.02 deaths per 100,000 are related to alcohol.


Another nation that has had its fair share of problems is Guatemala and it’s clear many are turning to drink because of that.

In the country, there are 13.98 alcohol related deaths for every 100,000 deaths, just ahead of Slovenia to complete the top five nations that struggle most with alcohol issues.


In Slovenia, the deaths per 100,000 stands at 13.15 and the nation has had a significant problem as the alcohol industry has expanded in the nation.

There have been calls for a stricter policy on alcohol, but that has yet to materialise.