Here’s Why You Should Consider In-Home Senior Care

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Bathesda Health Group

If you’re a senior adult or have a senior loved one, you’ll want to live these years the best way you can. There are benefits to moving to an assisted living facility; but in-home senior care is a viable option, too. Here’s why.

In-home senior care is more personal

Many older adults wish to live out their senior years in the comfort of their own (or of their family’s) home, as it is an environment with which they are more familiar. A person’s home is their sanctuary and comfort zone, and is deeply tied with their personhood—it isn’t easy to leave all that behind. Not only does a home setting provide a more personal space for you or your elderly relative, it also affords more personalized care, under the supervision of family. As long as the home is fitted out to accommodate safety features for seniors, “aging in place” is definitely a good option. This is especially true for seniors with beloved pets, as most assisted living facilities do not allow pets on the premises.

In-home senior care is more cost-efficient

Let’s face it: a good assisted living facility is usually rather costly, with a price tag of anywhere from $4,000-$7,000 and up, per month. Aging in place is, by far, a more affordable option, even taking into account the initial expense of refurbishing and fitting out your home to make it safe for seniors. If you choose to hire an in-home care professional or caregiver to come to your home at scheduled intervals, it would still be more cost efficient than paying monthly for a good assisted living facility. Having a professional come in, on schedule, is beneficial to you or your senior family member, as it unloads you of certain tasks and responsibilities. A professional in-home care provider can also give you or your senior relative the companionship and camaraderie that older adults seek in later life.

In-home senior care fosters independence

While there are unique advantages to living in a community that caters specifically to the senior lifestyle, aging in place affords a sense of independence. As a still-capable senior living at home, you are in control of your own schedule and in charge of your own activities. If you are no longer comfortable driving a car or commuting on your own, a professional in-home caregiver can help you with errands and things like doctor’s appointments and shopping days, while still maintaining your sense of independence.

In-home senior care fosters a spirit of family participation

Aging at home allows you to stay connected with your family, as well as creates an environment where the entire unit can get involved. Caring for a senior at home enables family members to participate in the care-giving process, in big and small ways, alike. This provides many valuable life lessons, especially for younger members of the family, and may possibly bring a family closer together.

No matter what stage of life you or a loved one are at, the goal remains the same: to live your best possible life. The senior years are no exception; it is a matter of finding what option allows you or your loved one to do exactly that.