How To Make A Woman Fall In Love With You And Stay That Way

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Figure Out Her Love Language


Okay, before you freak out we’re not telling you that you need to read the whole “Five Languages of Love” book, although it could be beneficial. But figuring out a woman’s ‘Love Language’ will surely be to your advantage when you’re trying to get a girl to fall in love with you. A love language, simply explained, is basically the way that someone “expresses their love emotionally,” and if you look it up there are just five of them, nothing too crazy. What you might believe is the way that love should be expressed could be totally different from her. Maybe it’s through physical touch, meaning she likes to be hugged or through holding hands. Or maybe it’s through spending quality time together, where she knows that you are taking time out from your life to do things with her. Whatever it is, be sure to find out what hers is and make sure to express yourself in that manner. She will be sure to return the favor when the time comes too.