The Amazing Clements Twins Story That Astonished Many

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It’s A Sign


It was 2017, and the twins were turning seven. Jaqi’s lucky number was 7, and the twins were born 7/7. It seemed to be a good omen for Jaqi. Ava and Leah blossomed into amazing darlings. They enjoyed dancing, swimming, and other extracurricular activities. But they also enjoyed posing for pictures, and were naturally good at it. On their 7th birthday, Jaqi and Kevin asked the girls if they wanted to try modelling again. Well, the twins jumped up and down with excitement. They were energetic and loved to perform anywhere for family and friends. Modelling for others was something that tickled their fancy.Besides, they were older now, and modelling would be easier. The Clements had a neighbor who has a children’s boutique, and needed models to promote her shop. Jaqi figured she could use the photos to show an agent. Looks like everything was leaning towards modelling, it was definitely a sign of things to come.