12 Signs And Symptoms Of Dementia

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Source: http://i.huffpost.com/

Dementia is a difficult disease to deal with, regardless of whether it’s you or someone you love that has been diagnosed with it. Dementia is explained as ‘a group of symptoms affecting memory, thinking and social abilities severely enough to interfere with your daily life.’ Many tend to believe that dementia is the main disease when in fact, it’s actually a number of different diseases that actually cause dementia like Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, Vascular dementia and many others.
For the most part, all types of dementia affect these major areas of the brain: memory, language, and decision making. Because of this, it makes simple daily tasks and other daily activities difficult to do or comprehend for someone with dementia. And while most cases of dementia include memory loss, it doesn’t necessarily mean that because you’re forgetful, you have a form of dementia. For the most part, a person dealing with dementia has a number of symptoms, not just one. Below are 12 signs and symptoms that you should look out for if you are worried that you or someone you love is suffering from dementia.

Signs And Symptoms Of Dementia

1. Confusion With Time Or Place

Every single person has been confused at least once in their lives, and they can attest to how disturbing and worrisome it can be. For someone suffering from dementia, confusion with time or place is very real, and they can’ necessarily remember which events took place in the past, nor what is still supposed to be in the future, struggling to maintain their understanding of dates and time, or just a general understanding of the present day and the usual events that take place on a daily basis.