33 Amazing Life Hacks To Try Today

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Home Hacks

While it doesn’t happen very often, it is completely possible to come home and find your power has been shut off — for whatever reason. This is a huge pain to be sure, especially if you know you left food in your freezer. Without power, your food will thaw — and you may not even notice if your power comes back on again and without thinking, you re-freeze your food. This can be very dangerous, as food that is thawed and frozen can spread salmonella as well as other sorts of bacteria. As a rule of thumb, the food in your fridge can stay safe up to four hours without power, as long as the door is not opened. Food in your freezer can stay good for up to two days if the freezer is full. If it is only half full, your food will only last for twenty four hours without power. Wouldn’t it be great if there was a way to know how long the power was out? Here’s a hack that can help you do just that: simply fill a cup with water and put it in the freezer. Once the water has frozen, put a coin on top of the ice that formed. When you get home, if the coin is still on top of the ice, you didn’t lose power. If the coin has sunk into the ice a little bit, you lost power for a short while. If the coin has fallen through to the bottom of the cup because the ice has turned to water, you need to throw away all the food that was left in the freezer as you lost power for a significant amount of time. Isn’t that neat?