30 Cool Things Your Android Phone Can Do That You Don’t Know

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Source: https://.digitaloceanspaces.com

Mobile phones have come a long way, to say the least. From simply making calls to sending text messages, it has become an all-in-one super device that most people simply just can’t live without. Nowadays, it has basically come down to two choices: Android or iPhone. But when it comes down to versatility, there is no doubt Google’s phone software is right there on the top as it can do things you didn’t know were possible with a single handheld device. It’s the third-party developer’s dream operating system, as the software’s features are open and can be fully utilized and maximized, allowing for seemingly endless possibilities.
These are the coolest things your Android smartphone is capable of doing that you didn’t have any clue about. Unlock your device’s full potential with the following features.