Food Poisoning And Stomach Flu Prevention And Treatment

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Antipyretics (Fever Meds) and Pain Relievers


One of the uncomfortable symptoms experienced by patients suffering from gastroenteritis is fever. Typically, patients infected with viral or bacterial gastroenteritis experience low to high grade fever, with the latter more common in food poisoning infections. This rise in temperature is the body’s first response to against the disease causing bacteria and viruses. The toxins released by the organisms are most-often responsible for the body’s immune response.
Another symptom that accompanies fever is chills. Patients with bacterial gastroenteritis, especially those who already have fever, begin to shiver, which is also part of the body’s automatic response when faced with an infection.
Toxins released by bacteria trigger the body to raise its temperature. The brain signals the muscles to rapidly contract and relax which is felt as shivering, which produces the needed heat to fight infection.
To control this, patients can be given fever medications such as acetaminophen (Tylenol) or ibuprofen (Advil) to control temperature and relieve body aches, allowing them to be able to rest more comfortably.