Food Poisoning And Stomach Flu Prevention And Treatment

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Observe Proper Food Safety and Storage


Food spoilage is another cause of stomach infections that could be prevented by observing proper food safety and storage procedures. Food containing harmful bacteria do not necessarily smell or look bad. If they aren’t stored the correct way, chances are bacteria they contain have already multiplied to toxic levels.
Food safety and storage guidelines can be summarized as follows:
1. Keep high-risk foods or foods that spoil easily at 5°C (41°F) and below, or 60°C (140°F) and above to avoid the temperature danger zone. Any food stored between these temperatures are at high risk of being overrun by harmful bacteria. Fridge temperature should be 5°C (41°F) and below. Freezer temperature should be -15 °C (5°F).
2. Make sure to always store raw foods BELOW cooked foods. This will prevent fluids from the raw foods (which most-likely contain harmful bacteria) from dripping onto the cooked items.
3. Choose proper containers for storing food. Make sure that these are clean and free from damage. Lids should fit properly to avoid spills.
4. Avoid refreezing food that has already thawed. Harmful bacteria can multiply while food is thawing. Keep defrosted food in the chiller portion of your ref until you’re ready to cook them.
5. Observe expiration or “use-by” dates on food labels. If you’re unsure, it’ll be better to just throw them out to avoid getting sick.