Foods To Skip When You Have Gout

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Processed Foods And Refined Carbohydrates


Processed foods that have been prepared and altered by baking, canning, drying, or freezing, can also make you vulnerable to gout attacks. While not all processed foods are unhealthy, some of them contain high levels of saturated fat, salt, and sugar. Common processed foods include bread, breakfast cereals, cookies, cakes, pastries, potato chips, cheese, milk, soft drinks, canned fruits and vegetables, canned meat, bacon, hot dogs, sausages, ham, salami, paté, and microwave meals.
Refined, simple, or processed carbohydrates are refined grains that have been stripped of all bran, fiber, and nutrients, such as white flour, white bread, white rice, pasta, pizza dough, and sweet desserts. When consumed, they are digested quickly and flood your bloodstream with sugar, triggering a surge of insulin, leaving you hungry soon after you’ve eaten, and causing you to overeat and gain weight, which is a major risk factor for developing gout. Consuming lots of simple sugars also contributes to spikes in uric acid levels. So, if you have gout, it’s best to eat fresh, unprocessed foods and complex carbohydrates from whole grains, fruits, and vegetables instead of refined carbohydrates from packaged, processed foods.