Foods To Skip When You Have Gout

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Special Precautions When Fasting


It’s important to maintain a healthy weight to keep your levels of uric acid under control. However, fasting or crash dieting is not the best way to bring your weight and uric acid levels down to a healthy range. According to the Arthritis Foundation, fasting may trigger a gout attack if you do not drink enough fluids and end up becoming dehydrated. Moreover, the levels of ketones and lactic acid in your body increase when you fast or starve yourself. This impairs your kidneys’ ability to excrete uric acid from your body, leading to a rise in uric acid levels and most likely a gout attack. Compounded by dehydration, this is not a condition you want to put yourself through. So, it’s better to avoid this kind of starvation diet and just focus on eating healthy every day. Drink plenty of water, eat fresh fruits and vegetables, exercise, and avoid alcohol, and you would naturally lose some pounds, with a better chance at keeping them off and without affecting your levels of uric acid and risking another gout flare-up.