Foods To Skip When You Have Gout

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Game Meat


Game meat comes from any animal hunted for sport or food, including animals procured from game reserves. Large game includes large mammals, such as bears, caribous, elks, deer, reindeer, and wild boars. Small game includes small birds and mammals, such as ducks, geese, pheasants, quails, turkeys, groundhogs, prairie dogs, rabbits, and squirrels. Game meat is generally considered more nutritious and usually with lower fat content than meat harvested through contemporary farming methods. Game meat is usually prepared and cooked the same way as farmed meat, but because game meat tends to be leaner and tougher than farm-raised or store-bought meat, it should not be overcooked.
Wild game meat is higher in purines than other types of food, so if you have gout, you should keep your intake of game meat to a minimum. In addition, you should limit your consumption of game shot with lead-based ammunition to once a month. Eat chicken—it’s a much safer meat option.