16 Ways To Treat Bronchitis At Home

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The infection that causes bronchitis and it’s accompanying cough can make you very tired. Try to get as much rest as you can, especially over the first few days. Do this by keeping your surroundings quiet and restful, and not having the TV blaring or your computer, phone, or tablet near the bed as the blue light in mobile devices tend to mess around with our body clocks and keep us awake longer than our bodies are used to. If you have a night cough, prop your head up on a pillow to keep mucus from settling in the back of your throat. If you have a pet, make sure they do not sleep in your room while you’re trying to rest as their dander might irritate your lungs further. And to make sure that your rest is actually refreshing, keep your bedroom cool, as a bedroom that is too hot can disturb your sleep.