Which School Subjects Are The Hardest For Kids And Why?

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Child Mind Institute

The difficulty of a subject in school can vary from student to student, depending on their interests, learning styles, and academic strengths. However, some subjects are commonly perceived as being harder for kids than others. Understanding which subjects are difficult for kids is essential to help them succeed academically. Teachers, parents, and students should know these subjects to provide extra support and resources where necessary. This article will discuss why certain school subjects are considered difficult for children.


The Hardest School Subjects For Kids

Several school subjects are known to be challenging for students. These subjects include:


Mathematics is often considered one of the most challenging subjects for kids. It requires abstract thinking and problem-solving skills, which can be difficult for some students. Math also builds on previous knowledge, so students who need help with foundational concepts may find it challenging to keep up with new material.


Science is often also seen as a challenging subject requiring much abstract thinking and memorization. Many students may feel overwhelmed by the amount of information they need to learn and may need help with complex concepts and terminology. Some teachers may use dry or uninspired teaching methods that do not engage students. Lectures and textbook readings may need to be more stimulating or provide more hands-on and interactive experiences to keep students interested.

Foreign Languages:

Students may dislike learning a foreign language for various reasons, such as the perception of the language as complex, lack of interest, limited exposure, boring teaching methods, and fear of making mistakes.


Some students may perceive history as a subject that is dry, dull, and uninteresting. They may need help to connect with the material and may not see the relevance of studying past events to their daily lives. Also, history covers a vast amount of information, and some students may feel overwhelmed by the information they need to learn.


Examples Of Difficult Topics Within Each Subject


Some challenging topics in mathematics include algebra, calculus, and geometry. These topics require abstract thinking and problem-solving skills and building on previous knowledge.


Some science topics are commonly considered more challenging for kids, including physics, chemistry, genetics, microbiology, earth science, and anatomy and physiology. These topics can be difficult for kids because they require abstract thinking, complex concepts, and memorization.

Foreign Languages:

Some challenging aspects of learning a foreign language include learning new vocabulary, grammar rules, and pronunciation. Students also need to practice speaking the language, which can be intimidating for some.


Some challenging topics in history include learning about different cultures and societies, memorizing historical events and dates, and understanding political systems.


Factors That Contribute To Difficulty

Several factors can contribute to difficulty in school subjects. These factors include:

Teaching methods and learning styles

Teaching methods and learning styles can significantly affect a student’s ability to succeed in school. Some students learn better through hands-on activities, while others learn better through lectures or reading. Teachers who understand their students’ learning styles can provide personalized instruction tailored to their needs.

Individual abilities and interests

Each student has unique abilities and interests that can affect their academic performance. For example, a naturally gifted student may find it easier to understand complex mathematical concepts. A student who has a strong interest in history may find it easier to memorize historical material.


How To Address Difficulty In School Subjects

Importance of early intervention

Early intervention is critical when a student is struggling with a particular subject. Teachers and parents should identify and address the problem as soon as possible. Early intervention can prevent the problem from worsening and help students catch up with their peers.

Strategies for addressing the difficulty in school subjects

Several strategies can be used to address the difficulty in school subjects:

1. Provide extra support and resources: Teachers can provide extra support by offering after-school tutoring or additional materials to help students better understand the subject.

2. Build on existing knowledge: Teachers should build on existing knowledge and help students make connections between different concepts. This can help students better understand the subject matter and retain the information.

3. Provide regular feedback: Teachers should provide regular feedback to students so they know what they need to improve. Feedback can be in grades, comments on assignments, or individual conferences with the student.


Importance Of Personalized Learning

Personalized learning can be beneficial for students who are struggling with a particular subject. Personalized learning involves tailoring instruction to meet the individual needs of each student. Personalised learning can be really effective with the help of various tools, such as online learning/tutoring websites, and tutors that can provide customized education tailored to each student’s strengths. That kind of tutors can be found on platforms like UpSkillsTutor or Wyzant.



In conclusion, understanding which subjects are complex and what can teachers and parents do to help provide the necessary support and resources for students to succeed academically. Students can overcome their academic challenges and reach their full potential by identifying the factors contributing to difficulty and using strategies to address the problem.