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George Clooney of Nespresso, $40 Million

The Finance Chatter

Nespresso wanted to strike gold in the market. So determined were they that they spent a whopping $40 million to snag the “sexiest man alive.” They got George Clooney to star in their commercials. While most celebrities would spend those earnings on the usual luxuries, Mr. Ocean himself had other plans. “Most of the money I make on the [Nespresso] commercials I spend keeping a satellite over the border of North and South Sudan to keep an eye on Omar al-Bashir [the Sudanese dictator charged with war crimes at The Hague],” he shared with the Guardian. “Then he puts out a statement saying that I’m spying on him and how would I like it if a camera was following me everywhere I went and I go ‘well welcome to my life Mr. War Criminal.’ I want the war criminal to have the same amount of attention that I get. I think that’s fair.”