VHS Tapes That Are Now Worth Tons Of Money

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The True Value

Minute Media

VHS tapes and players needed maintenance. The player head needed to be cleaned while the reel inside the tape actually experienced wear and tear with enough use. Nonetheless, these did bring a lot of entertainment for years. People would often flock to rental stores to lease out their movies for a specified period. These establishments were often visited by people who opted to sit home and watch a show instead of go out. This was their version of Netflix and Chill back then, and there was a certain element of excitement whenever a new release came out. People would wait months at a time to wait for the tape of a movie or a show they had apparently missed. Nowadays, these youngsters would just stream it on their computers and television. They no longer had to breathlessly wait for long periods at a time. And while there is something much to be said about getting what you want immediately, this generation could never experience the pure joy and sheer anxiety that people felt back then. As for the lucky folks out there who still have their VHS tapes stashed in their attics, these are some of the priciest titles.