16 Ways To Get Rid Of Gnats

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5. No Death Gnat Trap

Source: https://i.ytimg.com/

Some people actually feel bad for these pesky buggers and would prefer not to kill them. We know, crazy! But for those that would prefer to show some compassion, then this type of trap would be best to use. You’ll need a few pieces of rotten fruit, any fruit will do, and place them inside a bowl or a cup with a large opening. Take some plastic food wrap and cover the bowl, making sure that the sides don’t open. Next, take a toothpick and punch holes all around the top of the bowl. When the gnats smell the fruit, they’ll fly into the holes but won’t be able to fly back out. Once you’ve gathered enough for your liking, you can take the bowl outside, very, very far away from your home, and set them free. Just don’t blame us if they come back to annoy you once more.