15 Beers You Should Stop Drinking Right Now

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Sierra Nevada Bigfoot Ale

Brew Public

This beer variety is a glutinous beer and is only recommended for drinking with high tolerance for alcohol and big appetites. Sierra Nevada Bigfoot Ale has a whopping 330 calories per glass and it comprised of 9.6 percent alcohol. Thus, a gulp or two of this beer, would equal a full meal. It is also a beer variety that has genetically modified corn syrup as artificial sweetener. In a study by University of Utah professor Wayne Potts, he explained that “When the diabetes-obesity-metabolic syndrome epidemics started in the mid-70s, they corresponded with both a general increase in consumption of added sugar and the switchover form sucrose being the main added sugar in the American diet to high-fructose corn syrup making up half our sugar intake.” Therefore, the next time you grab this drink, think again of your allowable sugar intake and be sensible about your food intake. After all, obesity is a disease that can be regulated with mindful consumption.