The 28 Most Expensive Cities To Live In Around The World

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Miami, United States


The South Florida city, famously known for its pristine white sand beaches, is the second-most expensive metropolis to purchase a piano, following Taipei, and also the second-most expensive place to hire a personal fitness trainer, next to New York. Perhaps you didn’t expect these as the costliest product and service from the “Wreckreational Diving Capital of the World,” that oddly, also houses one of the United States’ largest skiing clubs. However, Miami also has one of the country’s biggest concentrations of international banks and is home to many sizeable national and international companies. In addition to pianos and personal trainers, the third most expensive city to visit in the United States also has the priciest accommodations particularly in the coastal resort city, Miami Beach. Prepare to spend a lot of money on island-based properties or beachside neighborhoods in this millionaire’s paradise.