23 Signs That Show He’s Cheating On You

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Jealous All Of A Sudden

Source: https://d1cbe14be5894c8dcc3d-8a742a0d46bf003746b2a98abb2fa3cf.ssl.cf2.rackcdn.com/

Some cheating men actually suddenly become over jealous of their partners. Some may even accuse their wives of cheating, even though they know that they are the guilty ones. Being jealous about how much attention you are giving him is a sign that something is bothering him. Experts have found out that people tend to accuse their partners of the sins they themselves are doing, to deflect blame and guilt. So if he starts acting over jealous, you have an inkling he is having an affair. How you address the problem should depend on how well you know your husband. Being confrontational could be what they want, so they have an excuse to end the relationship with you. So be careful how you deal with the problem. It is never easy, do what you think is best for you. But avoiding it is surely the wrong thing to do.