29 Things You’re Doing Wrong That Will Kill Your Marriage

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Unfaithfulness is probably the number one killer in any relationship, whether a couple is married or not. But for those that have sworn to a higher power in front of family and friends that they choose to be together forever, cheating can become a non-negotiable type of marriage breaker. No matter what type of unfaithfulness it is, whether it’s emotional or worse yet, physical, cheating is never okay. Relationship therapist Rhonda Milrad clarifies, “In most cases where there has been betrayal, it is very difficult for the partnership to heal and takes a lot of time. Many couples are not able to rebuild a sense of trust and safety in the relationship.” So if you want to make sure that your marriage is in a good place, make sure to take these tips to heart and always put your spouse first. Your children will definitely thank you later.