29 Things You’re Doing Wrong That Will Kill Your Marriage

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Don’t Go To Bed Angry… Or Do

VCH News

We’ve all heard this one before but it would seem that the old adage is true, to an extent at least. Unless you want to kill your marriage, then you should never go to bed angry. Holding in resentment, no matter how small it may be, has a tendency to grow and explode after an entire night of holding it inside and keeping it to yourself. But there is also an exception to the rule. If you happen to know that you’re too angry to talk about it at night, talk to each other before bed and say that it might be better to speak about it in the morning when you’ve both calmed down a bit. Relationship coach Chris Armstrong points out, “In their quest to never go to bed angry, couples make up without actually making up. Instead, couples should take a break and agree to talk about things in the morning. This gives them an opportunity to talk when they’re likely more awake and less raw emotionally.”