Someone Called This Teen Fat And Then Her Boyfriend Stepped With The Best Reaction!

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girlfriend fat shamed prom responses tre booker

Tre Booker and Madison are a typical high school couple in love. The two recently attended their high school prom and like most couples, before the dance they took some time to snap a couple photos. Madison later shared those photos on Twitter and that is where ridiculous…yet awesome story starts. 

girlfriend fat shamed prom responses tre booker

When Madison posted the pictures, Twitter user @BeSafeThough commented, “Wow he loves you even tho you’re fat”.

girlfriend fat shamed prom responses tre booker

Madison responded with a modest and respectful reply. 

girlfriend fat shamed prom responses tre booker

…And then her boyfriend stepped in and said the sweetest of things! 

girlfriend fat shamed prom responses tre booker

The couple has gone viral since!

Thousands upon thousands of people are adoring the couple! 

Supporting Tre for being an awesome boyfriend!




And Madison for looking so beautiful!




Relationship Goals!

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