26 Amazing Uses For Lemons That You May Never Have Realized

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Clean And Whiten Nails

Nail Center

Treat your nails without needing a manicurist. Knowing that lemons are a natural bleaching agent, they can help whiten your nails as well. Just add the juice of ½ lemon to a cup of warm water and dip your fingers in it for about 5 minutes. Then, rub some lemon peels over your nails as well. Watch the magic work almost immediately. Lemons are often underestimated, and even some negativity about the fruit allowed it to be used as a slang for lousy cars. But the truth is, lemons are valuable, and knowing their worth will make your life a lot better. Stock up on lemons, it is good to have around. Hope this article does help you appreciate the poor lemon a whole lot more.