10 Dog Sleeping Positions, The True Meaning Behind Them, And Their Other Sleep Habits

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Canine Sleeping Hours

No Ordinary Homestead

While adult dogs tend to sleep at least 12 to 14 hours a day, these numbers are subject to change, depending on your dog. In fact, factors such as their age, their personality, and their activity levels will affect their sleep. According to Dr. Linda Simon, you “will likely find that your pooch sleeps more on days they have been most active,” which actually makes sense. And according to Veterinarian from DoggieDesigner, Dr. Joanna Woodnutt, “Dogs sleep the most between 9:00 PM and 6:00 AM, although usually have afternoon naps.” Again, depending on the dog, these naps can vary in both time and frequency.
Of course it’s important to note that puppies need way more sleep than adults, even up to 20 hours a day at times. But if you begin to notice that your dog has begun sleeping longer than normal, or possibly staying awake much more than he or she should, best to bring your dog for a consultation with their vet to check for any underlying health issues.