10 Dog Sleeping Positions, The True Meaning Behind Them, And Their Other Sleep Habits

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The Belly Up


The Belly Up position is probably the cutest one you’ll see. And as it’s called, the dog sleeps on its back with its belly up and their paws sticking up in the air. Although humans might assume that this position isn’t relaxing at all, it’s actually one major sign that the dog is feeling real comfort and relaxation.
The Belly Up position can actually mean a few different things. For one thing, this position actually keeps them cool. Trainer Jen Jones explains, “Dogs sweat through their paws and their belly is a source of heat. When they sleep on their back with their belly in the air and paws up, they are trying to keep cool.”
Yet, it is also a position that also shows vulnerability, so when they sleep this way, it’s means they trust their environment, and you. Dr. Sarah Wooten shares that “because they are exposing their belly and their vital organs to the world, you have to know that they feel really secure to fall asleep in this position.”
Meanwhile, when dogs get older, they tend to stop sleeping this way and prefer to sleep on their bellies. Professional dog trainer and owner of SpiritDog Training, Steffi Trott, iterates that this is because a number of older dogs are dealing with arthritis and not because they stopped trusting you.