10 Dog Sleeping Positions, The True Meaning Behind Them, And Their Other Sleep Habits

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The Donut


Probably one of the most popular dog sleeping positions, The Donut is described as the animal curling up in a ball while all their legs are tucked in close to their body. There are even times when their little noses will reach their hind legs, and their tail also covers a portion of their body.
Because this position covers the dog’s vital organs, keeping them hidden and tucked away, this means that they are trying to protect themselves while they’re sleeping. Normally, this is when the dog is still trying to get used to their environment, which is why it’s more common in either new dogs, or strays, that are attempting to keep safe in their new space.
But another reason why dogs will curl up in The Donut is if they are feeling cold. Curling up into a ball means that they are trying to preserve whatever body heat they have. Veterinarian and Veterinary Consultant for ThePets, Dr. Linda Simon said, “When the weather is cold and/or windy, as it would have protected dogs from the elements when they slept outside.”