29 Inexpensive Essential Items Everyone Should Stockpile In Case Of An Emergency

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Canned Liquids/ Canned Meat


These items are inexpensive and can be of real help. Like canned pineapples or vegetable juice. They are easy to find, and can help provide nutrition and hydration at the same time. Canned meat may not be as healthy as fresh meat, but during a crisis, will prove to be the best source of nutrition if no fresh meat can be found. Have various types, like canned tuna, canned sardines or salmon – they provide necessary Omega 3 oils. Canned beef, sausages, even veggies will provide sustenance when you need it. Not just for camping trips, but for the home as well. Some calamities may not make fresh meat, vegetables, and fruits readily available. So it is a good fallback to store some canned products at home.