29 Inexpensive Essential Items Everyone Should Stockpile In Case Of An Emergency

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Apple Cider Vinegar


Preppers know the value of vinegar, it is the king of the prepper’s cupboard, especially apple cider vinegar. It has several ss that have been passed on from generation to generation. Hippocrates, the father of modern medicine, used apple cider vinegar as a health tonic and for wound care. Japanese samurai used vinegar for strength and power. Apple cider vinegar is currently popular as a remedy for gout. It can help tenderize meat as well.It has been used for pickling and preserving. Many households use it to unclog sinks, with a combination of baking soda. Outdoors, it can make scaling fish easier. Great for washing fruits and vegetables as well. So don’t underestimate its value, stock up on apple cider vinegar.