23 Secrets About Fast Food Commercials That Are Kept From The Public

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The Frosty Cocktail

Drinking In America

Ads that feature cocktails on a frosty glass utilize some tricks as well. They hardly use real booze, and most of the cocktails are a mixture of water, syrup, and food coloring. Not really a bad mix, and you can drink it. But the liquid itself is just a sideshow. The important parts are the visual clues, such as the ice,froth, frost, fizz, and so on. You by now know the ice used is acrylic, froth can be achieved with dish soap. Now, the frosty glass for the drink uses a spray-on deodorant to make a beer mug look chilled. They may add a spritz of water to create beads of condensation. It’s all about the science of it all, to be able to fool us when we view the ads.